lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008

One Sunday morning, my parents heard me complaining about my life. I was uncomfortable. I was in the edge.I did not like the kind of life I was living.

But my parents immediately stopped me and told me things about life, that I had never heard before. They said:

You must accept life the way it is, no matter what happens. Your heart is more valuable. Sometimes you might feel you do not have anything and that you have a lot of problems and you cannot find a solution.

You are fed up of your daily life, so now we tell you, accept your life whatever it is,

God has given us a different kind of life,

accept it,

because everything has a reason in life,

but never walk easy way,

always walk the narrow way

in your path which was written by God.

You see, there are bad things, but also good things.

Life is a test of survival.

See, there are people living in worse conditions than you,

there are famine, poverty and diseases

which are great issues to solve in today's world.

Just thank God,

because you are living,

and if you are living a bad life,

just remember

your suffering will not have comparison

with Jesus Christ's suffering

who sacrified his life for all of us.

After this wise advice,

I just sat down on my bed and started to cry

for the hundreds of times

I have complained to God about my life.

Now, I thank God for

the good things and also

the bad things or for the lacking of something,

because all has a reason in this life

and it is the path that God has chosen for me.

Written by Jorge Estrada

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