CHRISTMAS is around the corner and I am looking forward for it, because in my family is a tradition to share love with others in a very particular way. This began four years ago when my dad had the great idea to set the christmas tree plus some of his Christmas toys like a Santa Claus who dances lively songs and uff a lot of his obsession about this season and when it is time I am going to come over you to join the beauty of this celebration where union is one of the important things that happens in this time.
I saw this little event grew up when I was about 7 and believe me I did not think we would become a little famous because of this. But of course, it is a lot of work to do during the year, though my house is small, my father sees the way to fit everything well in the living and dining room, he moved everything from them and he made a kind of circus. Yes that is how I call it "circus", because it looks like a shopping window, but without the famous window, because my father invites the curious people who stops in front of my house to see the outdoors Christmas decorations like an Illuminated Nativity scene, the lights and the 7 big blown figures that my father sets in the front yard and in the roof, I think it is amazing his creativity where he puts all his effort.Moreover, inside the house my dad sets the Santa Claus' train and the Christmas figures and I cannot forget the biggest one figure, it is a real size Santa Claus that dances and sings Christmas carols.
Every night of December, my family and I receive people from different parts of the city,of the country and the other country.Even people we do not know, people who come to town to visit their family relatives and they pass around my house, and my dad invites them to enter to my house and show them something that can be common in other countries like United States, but not too much in my country, because as Mexicans we set a Nativity scene, but to decorate it with Santa Clause stuff, that seems to be different.
Last year,one of these days of December my father, my girlfriend and I disguised for Christmas and many, many children were really happy to meet Santa there in my house with his elfs.That is right, it was my girlfriend and I the ones who help Mr.Claus to deliver the presents, but that night we were in charge of being part of this demonstration of Christmas love.
That is why I am waiting anxiously for Christmas time to celebrate along with people I know and people I do not have any idea where they come from. By the way, every year we keep a bookmark, so if you come, because you are already invited, do not forget to write down the Christmas greetings in our bookmark.