A great exciting city to visit that offers many things in order not to get bored easily.
Leon is located in the state of Guanajuato which is in the West part of this country Mexico. And this region is well known as "El Bajio".
The weather in this city is nice, in the spring is a little bit hot. In the summer there are rains frequently in the afternoons. Meanwhile, autumn is nice with some rainy days and in winter there are beats of cool air until February and March. So, always is a good time to visit here, it just depends on the weather you feel more comfortable.
Zoo, museums, parks, nightclubs, historical places are just a little part you can find here, plus lots of places to go shopping and guess what, Leon is best known for producing the best shoes in the country, so do not forget to bring some cash to spend, because as you get here you would like to spend it all in the city. And do not worry about transportation, because there are many ways to get somewhere.
Leon is waiting for you, so get up of your bed,come here and live your own adventure!
Written by Jorge Estrada
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