martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008

El presente blog es una actividad que el maestro de Inglés Juan Enrique Cabrales Sánchez nos sugirió realizar como parte de la formación para la mejora de nuestra escritura en el segundo idioma, ya que no soy un experto en la materia, pero con esta actividad he mejorado un poquito más y me ha interesado más expresarme en este idioma, y buscar maneras más propias y colegiales de comunicarse.

Debo mencionar que no todos las entradas están corregidas por el profesor, por lo tanto pueden tener algunos errores, pero más adelante serán revisadas y reeditadas.

Sin más que decir, doy gracias a todos aquellos que se detienen a leer este blog y disfrutar de lo que tiene, así como también al profesor Cabrales por ofrecernos este gran oportunidad de desarrollar nuestra habilidad de la escritura por este medio y por su ayuda en el mejoramiento de nuestro conocimiento del idioma y cultura general.

Atentamente ,
Jorge Estrada.

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2008

Scared? Scared of fate?

You are the one who decides

how to change your destiny,

besides God's decision.

No matter what you are made for,

you can do

what you will.

It is just about decisions to make

and desire to accomplish everything you have dreamed.

Still Scared?

Why not? It is normal to be afraid

of the upcoming events.

I know you are hunger of power

and being someone,

and that you are ready to

take off in your plane.

It is just about taking actions

and then you stop being of

what you don't want to.

God wants you to do something

for your life.

It is not just living how it comes.

Just be scared of doing nothing

for your life.

Do not believe your life is

already built up,

because it is time

to take action!

Written by Jorge Estrada

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2008

Deeply, sleepy
I fall down in your arms,
glory of the skies,
sound of the dark,
you have gotten me inside of you,
open your soul to the deepest of this love.
Deeply,sleeply, lovely
chained in your kisses,
sweet like breeze,
touching my skin at night.
Baby, darling,
don't ever let me down,
because I want you,
because I really love you.
Baby baby,
don't ever let me down,
be always with me.
I need you
as a child to the mother.
I need you,
don't ever go away,
because I need you.
Written by Jorge Estrada

sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2008

I cannot get enough
feeling your body over mine,
I cannot get enough
of sweet kisses.
All I am,
I show how I am
when I'm with you,
I cannot get enough
of this crazy,
crazy love,
though I have you,
I am unsatisfied,
I need you more and more,
I am addicted to you.
Written by Jorge Estrada
Just turn around,
don't walk away,
just show me what you feel.
Just turn around,
don't walk away,
just show me what you feel,
just turn around,
don't walk away.
Just let the emotions flow away,
just let this love bloom away
and allow our hearts be enchanted
with this moment.
Written by Jorge Estrada